Assignment 2

This field assignment requires us to observe a specific grade group of students and focus on the factors listed for the chosen set of grade students. I chose “In middle childhood (grades 3-5)”.

I’ve observed many different interactive centers in the class. During my time here I observe the students only interact with the reading station. The books are placed in labeled baskets. The baskets are labeled with letters and the letters consist of “L, M, N, O, P”. Each student “shops” for books on a specific day of the week in a specific basket which corresponds to their reading level. The highest reading level is P and the lowest reading level is L. “P” is also the 3rd grade reading level. The list of student “shoppers” is posted on the wall next to the teacher. “Shopping” is a form of students reading books outside of the assigned texts given in class. The reading station is very extensive. There are many many books for the students to pick from. When the students read in their reading groups, students pertaining to that reading group sit together and each read their individual books. This is an example of the students learning through a reading center. The reading center is a station that the students interact with on a regular basis. There are posters located on the walls surrounding the reading station. The posters name the various types of genres as well as give a brief definition as to what they each mean.

During the literature class which I observed, the teacher told the students to turn to their partner and tell them what their book was about and also their reaction/opinion on the book. The students talk in both proper and complete sentences. Whenever the class reads a story as a class, the teacher always bring the story back to reality for the students. She does this by providing real life examples form either her life, or she asks the students if they can relate and then she asks them to tell the story.

The students are always using their work books to show proof of understanding the text. They are allowed to also verbally express their understanding of the text and answer questions.

Though I have never personally observed the students interact with the math station; it does exist. The math station consists of posters,  books, and counting blocks which help them learn their hundred, tens and ones. The teacher makes math posters which help the students learn their 6, 7, 8, and 9 multiplication tables. The posters also help the students learn the proper way to divide, multiply, add, and subtract.

Based off of my observations I have observed that Piaget’s theory is present in the classrooms. The various stations proves that Piaget’s theory is true and effective. The students interact with their surroundings/environment which helps them grow and is an effective learning experience for them. The various centers allows the students to interact with their environment. It may not be interacting with the physical outside environment, but it is interaction and it does help them grow. The in school-interactions can be applied to other areas of their lives both in and out or school. For example, math and reading are skills that the students will have to use for the rest of their lives. Another important theory from Piaget is that interaction with others is crucial. This is observed in the classrooms as well. An example of the students interacting with one another is when the teacher tells them to talk to their partners and discuss the book they each read. This is also an example of what students can do in both the school environment and outside of school. Human interaction helps children realize what is both accepted and not accepted socially.

From the checklist I have observed the following present in the classroom:

  • Opportunities to group and classify objects and ideas in more complex ways.
  • Activities that are concrete, real, and relevant to children’s lives
  • An integrated curriculum so that learning of traditional subjects takes place through projects, learning centers, and other hands on activities
  • Children encouraged to express their understanding of material through communication, writing, drawing, drama, or art
  • Children analyzing and learning from their mistakes with the help of the teacher.

The stations are very helpful for the students. It gives them an opportunity to learn their own way and pace and also experience the same thing in many different ways. Many times the teacher is always talking to the students and they are either listening or taking notes. They do get tired of constantly hearing the teacher talk, which is where the stations become helpful. The points listed above are the variosu different techniques I have observed being used in the classroom. This is something that hopefully every class has implemented into its daily curriculum. It is a great way to have the stdents interact with their environmet and thrie peers.

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